These problem sets were used with grades 7, 8 and 9, and with other groups.

Do as many of these problems as you can. If you can’t do something, skip it and try it again later. Above all, don’t panic. Some questions seem hard to understand but dealing with that is part of the training. Every time you complete a problem, you become better. Problems that seem hard today will seem easy after training.

M1 2019 Training problems

M3 2018/2 Computer Programming

M3 2018/1 Computer Programming

M2 2018/2 Permutations and Groups

M2 2018/1 Trigonometry

M2 2018 Dimensional analysis

M1 2018/2 Arithmetic and Combinatorics II

M1 2018/1 Arithmetic and Combinatorics I

M2 2017/2 Functions, inverses, logarithms

M2 2017/1 Competition training

M1 2017/2 Linear equations, determinants

M1 2017/1 Equations and inequalities

M2 2016/2 Applied and competition problems.

M1 2016/2 Plotting, operations, transformations

Mathsci problems

4D hypercube (tesseract) worksheets. Use the one with two hypercubes per sheet for numbering vertices and counting edges. Use the one with 8 hypercubes per sheet for coloring 3D subcubes, and the one with 24 per sheet for coloring 2D faces.

2 tesseracts / sheet

8 tesseracts / sheet

24 tesseracts / sheet

Training - ted szylowiec