Exercises and projects done in Racket. So far I have a bunch of SICP problems, the Sierpinski triangle project, lambda calculus experiments, and more. The code is meant for you to read and to learn from: there are extensive comments.
One day I asked a student (who had peculiar gifts in reasoning about combinatorics) how many distinct ways can you color the vertices, edges and faces of tetrahedrons and cubes? For example, given three colors, how many distinct ways can you color the faces of a cube, ignoring rotations? My student sat there thinking, staring into space, and answered several questions like this.
Since I had no clue myself what the correct answers should be, I wrote a Common Lisp package that uses group theory to compute the ways.
And yes, the student’s answer to every such question turned out to be correct!
Projects in C++. The Amir problem (combinatorics), NLP tools for generating poetical gibberish from James Joyce, Shakespeare and H. P. Lovecraft (anagrams, markov text), a couple of discrete math problems (nthroot, prime heap) and a command-line utility that transforms CSV student data into a LaTeX report (Gu).
Here’s an example of some brilliant poetry composed with the help of the NLP tools:

Simple Problem Solving Tools
Common lisp package of informatics problem solving tools. They might not be very good, but they are good enough to solve your problem.
At least they were good enough to solve many of my problems. I used these tools for Project Euler.
Experiments in mutual recursion and repeated function application. Written in Guile-scheme.