TEDSZY math and computer science

New Math Videos and Facebook page!

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Tedszy Mathematics

My new channel explores interesting, creative and beautiful ideas in mathematics.

Tedszy Mathematics Channel

We look at interesting and clever competition problems (AMC, IMO, Russian, etc). Fundamental mathematical theorems and techniques (proof by contradiction, induction, pigeonhole principle, Euclidean algorithm, Bezout’s lemma, combinatorial arguments, fundamental geometry theorems, etc.) And also computer-assisted mathematics with Maxima, Racket and C.


Lindenmayer Systems with lysys

Download the lysys Quicklisp project and compute your own high-res Lindenmayer fractals with Common Lisp and Asymptote.

lysys Quicklisp project

Pentadendrite L-system fractal, done with lysys.

My solutions to SICP exercises

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) exercises, done in Racket…

Racketry… SICP problems and more

Exercises 1.34 – 1.46. Lambdas and anonymous functions, local variables, let, half-interval roots, fixed points and fixed point methods, the average damping technique. Continued fractions, Euler’s totient phi, the Euler fraction for e, Lambert’s continued fraction, procedures returning procedures, Newton’s method, generalized Newton’s method, composition of functions, the general technique of iterative improvement.

Exercises 1.29 – 1.33. Summation abstraction, tail-recursive sum abstraction, numerical integration, Simpson’s method, product abstractions, factorial, Wallis product for pi, generalized sum/product, accumulation, filtered accumulation.

Exercises 1.1 to 1.28. Includes a thorough analysis of the Miller-Rabin prime-test exercise (1.28) which covers every detail I could think of.

Creative Math! - ted szylowiec